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A drug shows promise for sleep apnoea, and could one day be an alternative to CPAP for some.

People with hard-to-treat sleep apnoea are desperate for new treatments, and a small Australian study has suggested that drugs may offer some relief.

In this edition of Allergy & Respiratory Republic, we explore the ongoing quest for pharmacotherapy in sleep apnoea.

Turn to Page 17 to hear from Professor Danny Eckert, a respiratory and sleep researcher who has been running studies in this area.

He shares stories from patients who are struggling to make CPAP work for them and are seeking alternative treatments.

“I have been using the CPAP machine for nearly two years and I hate the damn thing,” says one patient. “I was just reading the article about the two different types of medications that might help and I was after more information regarding this and would I be eligible to at least give it a go.”

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